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Spiders and Other Insects

Our pest control team treats and prevents insects like spiders, beetles, and ants.

Beginning with a full site analysis, our experienced technicians create a custom plan that is specific to your property's needs. Our arsenal of high-quality products allows us to use the exact treatment best suited for your unique situation. Our goal is to provide your family with the safest process and most outstanding results so you can enjoy your space worry-free.

spray pest control for insects outside a home

Our insect control service is unique due to our detailed care and preventative treatments.

We strive to go above and beyond with our service, which is why our visits include spider de-webbing. From structural eaves and soffits to outdoor patio furniture, a web-free space largely improves one's outdoor experience.

Because of the success of our exterior preventative measures, interior services are not often needed. This allows us to keep family safety and convenience a top priority!

Receive a quote for our recurring insect control service by contacting us here.


The Pacific Northwest is only home to a couple of spiders that are dangerous to humans, but we often desire to keep them out of our homes regardless of threat. Jumping spiders, hobo, aggressive house spiders, and the infamous black widow are just a few species you might find around your Washington or Idaho property.

People often call pest control to rid their property of spiders due to a common phobia of these eight-legged insects. However, spiders are, in fact, very helpful to have in and around exterior gardens and landscapes. They keep unwanted garden pests like aphids and mosquitoes at bay.

Thus, at Renew Pest Control, our goal is to keep spiders out of where you don't want them and in where you do.

When working to keep your house spider-free, structural defense is best. Our technicians use high-quality spray products around the perimeter of homes and properties for best results. This includes ridding windows and eaves of any sign of spiders with our de-webbing service. Our services may occasionally require interior treatments because young spiders can be airborne due to a "ballooning" technique.

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