We pride ourselves on protecting your home from common pests and rodents. Our unique structural protection process begins with a customized plan to both control and prevent these nuisances.
Rodent issues can come up for a variety of reasons. Our mice, vole and pocket gopher control and prevention service ensures the issue is resolved at the source. From discreet bait stations to custom product applications, our thorough rodent control process is uniquely effective.
No one is immune to insect infestations. Renew's pest control team treats and prevents insects like spiders, beetles, and ants. From precise product application to de-webbing of eaves and patio furniture, you can consider your entire property protected.
An enjoyable time outdoors can be quickly ruined by stinging guests. Our team has the proper equipment to control the appearance of and properly remove wasp ad hornets nests.
Most Pacific Northwest residents consider dealing with mosquitos unavoidable. However, Renew offers a specialized monthly treatment that eliminates these pesky insects so you can enjoy time outside without reaching for bug bite cream.
Nesting in wood and insulation, these large ants can wreak havoc on buildings and structures. Preventing carpenter ants with a one-time application is an easy solution to avoiding issues later.